Do you want more lucrative mandates for your law firm?
dhw solutions offers you the entire marketing spectrum in law firm marketing: For law firm start-ups and active law firm growth or in preparation for a law firm handover/ takeover.
Whenever the existing mandates do not allow for sufficient workload and turnover, active lawyer marketing is required. Many law firms are already taking advantage of the great potential offered by online marketing for lawyers. Who does not operate today an active Kanzleimarketing will have it increasingly more heavily to win new mandators. That is certain.
dhw solutions knows its way around lawyer and law firm marketing. We advise and accompany you actively and nationwide, in particular with regard to
Market positioning and law firm development up to the complete turnaround
Naming, law firm branding, image & corporate design for law firms
Classic law firm marketing (advertisements, print, outdoor advertising, etc.)
Website conception, web relaunch, screen design and programming
dhw solutions offers you professional marketing consulting with many years of industry and professional experience from lawyer to lawyer. Our managing director is a lawyer himself and offers you marketing consulting "at eye level". This can be very helpful, especially with strategic questions and in lawyer content marketing.
Holistic marketing consulting for law firms
In law firms, marketing budgets are usually rather limited. This makes it all the more important to use the marketing and advertising budget in the most targeted and promising way possible so that wastage is low. It is very important to use the appropriate marketing instruments in each case.
Possibilities of online marketing for attorneys and lawyers
In the area of online marketing alone, there are many opportunities and "levers" for law firms to be found better and attract new clients as well as "reactivate" existing, older clients.
It is first about the right online marketing strategy from inspiration to information to transaction. The communication goals are to be determined in each case: Inspire, inform, influence, activate, concrete client and mandate acquisition.
It is necessary to define the "buyer" persona: here, we speak of semi-fictional persons who represent typical "buying behavior" - i.e. around your ideal clients.
The following work/options, among others, are to be examined and, if necessary, implemented for your lawyer marketing:
Online data analysis for lawyers: (market, client and competition), e.g. Google Analytics, Ahrefs, Google Search Console ...
Content generation in the form of text, images, videos and graphics (content marketing): The right content at the right time to the right person.
SEO = Search Engine Optimization: improvement of the website and its links to achieve a higher position in the SERP and more visitors. The search result is composed of: Information of the crawlers + popularity of the website + authority of the website.
Optimization of ranking factors: Backlinks and business directory entries ("offpage"), content and structure of the page ("onpage"), Google MyBusiness profiles, ...
Keyword analysis: create keyword lists and merge them from different tools; evaluate keywords; sort keywords into thematic groups; ...
Consideration of important key figures (KPIs = Key Performance Indicators), e.g.: Impressions, conversions, visitors, page impressions, ...
E-mail marketing: for client retention and client information
Integration of rating portals: e.g. Google reviews,, wer-kennt-den-besten, ...
Digitalization of processes: e.g. online appointment bookings and online consultations, if necessary incl. online payment systems
Google and social media ads: esp. to increase awareness and for inspiration (incl. video)
if applicable, blogs and social media marketing: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest ...
dhw solutions accompanies lawyers and law firms in all questions of marketing from analysis, conception, planning and budgeting to the implementation of all measures including monitoring, controlling and ongoing optimization: holistically or with a focus on individual measures and projects.
With proactive lawyer marketing to more new clients and better mandates!
As an experienced marketing and business consultant, our managing director, Dirk Gundelach, will be happy to assist you with all your lawyer marketing questions and challenges. Mr. Gundelach is a publicly appointed and sworn expert for marketing, advertising and corporate communications as well as a Master of Business Administration with a focus on corporate development and marketing.