for all!

Together with the city of Hanover and its districts and site communities, we have realized the first project of its kind in Germany to date - it is unique in its implementation.

Portal Hannover Nordost

Small solution, big solution?

Our task was to realize a portal for all tradesmen in Hannover Northeast. And that's quite a lot - in the meantime, more than 650 small and large companies have registered with their services and products.

Yes, they already existed in large numbers and throughout Germany, the district portals. Especially during the global eruption starting in 2020, hundreds if not thousands of new portals have emerged.

Portal Hannover Nordost Profil

Products, events and jobs.

Hanover Northeast is not just an introductory forum. Here, companies even have the opportunity to post their products and price them.

The search for new employees via the integrated job portal can also be carried out independently via the backend.

In addition to many other functions and possibilities of the own presentation as well as the integrated market place, there is also the option to publish own events and dates via the also integrated event portal.
